As we continue in this new year, I wanted to circle back to a request I made in September about the need for parishioner involvement. We are currently facing a significant challenge: the number of volunteers in our ministries is not sufficient to meet our needs. This is especially true for our Mass ministries. I have heard from families and individuals that they feel overwhelmed with the number of times that they are asked to serve at Mass. I am incredibly grateful to those who have tirelessly served in our various ministries, often with limited help. Your dedication has been invaluable, and your commitment is appreciated. I am requesting that you consider joining one of our Mass ministries. We have a particular need for altar servers and Eucharistic ministers at several Masses. As you consider joining us as a Eucharistic minister or lector, please be aware of the following guidelines:
Eucharistic Ministers:
- Must be practicing Catholics in good standing with the Church.
- Should be married in the Church or be single.
- Must receive appropriate spiritual, theological, and practical training to fulfill their role with reverence and knowledge
- Should be practicing Catholics who have received the Sacrament of Confirmation.
- Must be prepared to proclaim the Word of God with clarity and reverence.
- Will receive training to ensure they are comfortable and effective in their role.
To support new and returning volunteers, we will be offering a refresher and new training session on February 22nd at our Hoyt St. Campus. The training will provide information regardless of which campus you serve at. This is an excellent opportunity to get involved and make a meaningful contribution to our parish community.
Thank you for your continued support, and we look forward to welcoming new volunteers to our ministries. We will keep you updated on other areas of parish life as we move forward.
Prayers Always,
Fr. Joseph Altenhofen